
Taeya Boi-Doku与IGLAS的工作人员和同事合影

National fellowships can give you funding to pursue a wide range of activities across the U.S. 你是否想做研究, 政府工作, or pursue a project that you think will help make the world a better place, 我们可以帮你找一个奖学金.


资本研究员计划The 资本研究员计划 consist of four individual fellowships in the California legislative, 行政和司法部门. Applicants may apply to one or more programs–California Senate Fellows, 高管团契, 杰希米. 安鲁集会奖学金和司法行政奖学金.
教师顾问: Rachel VanSickle-Ward; Noosha Malek
毕业生12月. 4, 2024
卡内基基金会聚集青年研究员计划Each year the Endowment offers 14 one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. Carnegie Junior Fellows work as research assistants to the Endowment’s senior associates. Those who have begun graduate studies are not eligible for consideration.毕业生 and alumni who have graduated in the past year11月. 21、2024年
重复奖学金Coro Fellows是多种多样的, talented individuals committed to positive change in their communities throughout their lives and careers. Coro is looking for people who have demonstrated some leadership either academi呼叫y, 或者在一个社区里,对公共事务感兴趣. 除了, Coro is looking for the following qualities: ability to work within a diverse group, 致力于公共服务, 灵活性和求知欲.毕业生mid-1月., 2025
东西方中心The 东西方中心 offers a wide variety of both short- and long-term programs for individuals. 学术奖学金和研究金, as well as educational exchange and professional development programs are available.因项目而异1月. 2024年5月15日(不定)
戈德华特奖学金One of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the natural sciences, 工程学和数学, seeks to identify and support college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation’s next generation of research leaders in these fields.Current sophomores and juniors studying the natural sciences, mathematics, or 工程


  1. 预应用,不迟于2024年11月8日EOD
  2. 完整应用程序,2024年11月21日
詹姆斯·麦迪逊研究生奖学金詹姆斯·麦迪逊纪念奖学金基金会提供24美元,000 fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution at the secondary school level. Fellowship applicants compete only against other applicants from the states of their legal residence.即将毕业的高年级学生追求中等教育事业2024年3月1日
Knight-Hennessy奖学金The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program will annually identify a group of up to 100 high-achieving students from around the world with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment to receive full funding to pursue a wide-ranging graduate education at Stanford, 目标是培养新一代的全球领袖.毕业生 and alumni who have earned degrees within the last seven years关闭

两个奖项,最高20美元,000 will be given by Pilgrim Place in Claremont to graduating seniors at the 5Cs who demonstrate outstanding leadership promise in the areas of social justice, 和平, 环境可持续性. 每所学院最多可以提名三名学生. 所有的学生 nominated will be named Napier Fellows and will have the opportunity for a one-year 指导 relationship with Pilgrim Place residents having a significant vocational affinity with the nominees.

纳皮尔的指令 & 应用程序

毕业生10月. 9, 2024 12 PM
NSF研究生研究奖学金The NSF研究生研究奖学金 Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, 技术, 工程, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions.攻读硕士或博士学位的应届毕业生.D. STEM领域的项目2023年的最后期限:
10月. 16(生命科学)
10月. 17 (STEM)
10月. 19(工程)
10月. (化学、数学、物理)
皮克林外交事务奖学金计划由美国资助.S. Department of State and administered by The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, 托马斯R. Pickering Fellowship Program provides undergraduate and graduate students with financial support, 指导 and professional development to prepare them academi呼叫y and professionally for a career in the U.S. 国务院外交部. 女性, members of minority groups histori呼叫y underrepresented in the Foreign Service, 并且鼓励有经济需要的学生申请.毕业生9月. 26, 2024
兰格尔研究生奖学金The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State in which they can help formulate, represent, and implement U.S. 外交政策. The Rangel Program selects outstanding Rangel Fellows annually in a highly competitive nationwide process and supports them through two years of graduate study, 实习, 指导, 以及专业发展活动. This program encourages the application of members of minority groups histori呼叫y underrepresented in the Foreign Service, 女性, 还有那些有经济需要的人.毕业生9月. 19, 2024
杜鲁门奖学金The Harry S 杜鲁门奖学金 Foundation supports the graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to 公共服务 and leadership.大三学生(和一些即将毕业的大四学生)11月. 21日,爆炸品处理
尤达尔本科奖学金The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, 公共服务, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment.二年级和三年级的学生2月中旬
学生会学期奖学金New York Union Semester is a one-of-a-kind full-time semester-long program that combines rigorous academic study with first-hand experience within the labor movement. 作为实习生, students learn hands-on how unions and labor organizations fight for workers’ rights by contributing to the movement themselves. 上课时间, students analyze the experience they gain in the field by studying the history of and current debates within the US labor movement.所有的学生12月. 1, 2023